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作者:haiyu    发布于:2016/7/28 14:02:51    文字:【】【】【


 Dongguan sea margin Pml Precision Mechanism Ltd 2016 travel
To thank all the staff for their hard work and enhance team cohesion, company organized to Huizhou Xunliao bay two days one night, 2016 July 29 at noon 12:30 from the company of Huizhou Xunliao Bay, organization of the evening barbecue and other programs, return 30 on the afternoon of July 2016, the rest of July 31, 2016, August 2016 1, normal work.
In the meantime, a mold tapping machine of the consultation and order, you can call the national free service hotline 400-0769-525 sea margin.
I wish the new and old customers and all the staff work smoothly, good health!
                              Dongguan hai yu precision machinery co., LTD
                                                    July 28, 2016